2017 Cascades Summer Open

Cascades Squash Club 100 Chemin De la Rivière, Chelsea, Chelsea, ON, Canada

Details to follow when available

2017-18 Junior Prix #1

Goodlife Queensview 2655 Queensview Dr, Ottawa, ON, Canada

This is the first tournament of the 2017/18 Junior Prix season.  Please register by email to: Registration deadline is Thursday September 28, 2017.  You will receive start times and draw information by email by October 1. JuniorPrix1Flyer 2017-18

2017 Goodlife Open

Goodlife Queensview 2655 Queensview Dr, Ottawa, ON, Canada

2017-18 Junior Prix #2

Ottawa Athletic Club 2525 Lancaster Rd, Ottawa, ON, Canada

This is the second tournament of the 2017/18 Junior Prix season.  Please register by email to: Registration deadline is Thursday November 16.  You will receive start times and draw information by email by November 17.